On the 7.10. Jens Schröter was awarded the prize.
Here is the link to the paper.
Image: Logo of the »Gesellschaft for interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft«.
Here you can download the book!
Here is the Spanish version in the renowned journal Revista Guillermo de Ockham!
On the one hand, the volume focusses on technology demonstrations as cultural and instrumental practices in the contexts of technology- and media-development. On the other hand, the contributions highlight the technologization of demonstrations regarding the reliance of (political) demonstrations on media technologies. Building on this nexus, demonstrations appear as mediahistorically and -theoretically significant sites that reveal and negogiate intersections of technology, individual, and society, politics, performance, and aesthetics, as well as human and technical scopes of agency.
Am 25.4. präsentierte Dr. Stefan Römer im Kolloquium von Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter sein aktuelles Buch »DeConceptualize - Zur Dekonstruktion des Konzeptuellen in Kunst, Film, Musik« und zeigte seine Recoder-Filme.